If this is specified, the media will be captured in separate chunks of that duration, rather than the default behavior of recording the media in a single large chunk.

However, from the result of the following simple codes, it seems each thread switches the CPU resource every line of code. Download Now Developers Description By Modesitt Software TimeSlice used for recording time tasks. You can notice how the Unix output is completely smooth and continuous, while on Windows every iteration is separated by several (around 15) milliseconds. Begins recording media this method can optionally be passed a timeslice argument with a value in milliseconds. Each Java thread is mapped to a kernel thread in Windows and in Windows the time slice for thread switching is 10-100ms. On Mac, I'm getting the following output (first column is nanoseconds, second column milliseconds): java -version You’ll see java version and some numbers next to it.

This depends on the hardware abstraction layer (HAL) selected for your computer. When the Command Prompt opens, type the following command at the prompt and press Enter. 2 Answers Sorted by: 5 This KB article has some information on Windows 2000 Server editions: Currently in Windows, 3 quantums are equal to either 10 milliseconds (single processor) or 15 milliseconds (multiple-processor Pentium). Windows uses a base unit of a third of a clock tick. This last point shows that quanta may actually not be calculated in whole numbers of clock ticks, e.g. I'm executing the following code in Java to print the elapsed CPU time (both in nano and milliseconds): ThreadMXBean bean = ManagementFactory.getThreadMXBean() To begin, open the Start menu, search for Command Prompt, then click the Command Prompt shortcut in the search results. In Windows, for example, it is assumed that a process that enters a wait state mid-way through a clock tick has used 1/3 of a tick during that timeslice.