You also need a fresh air to refresh your heart and lungs. If you want to recover yourself from all kinds of suffering, you have to maintain a regular life by doing regular exercise and by following a proper food chart. You may not able to continue a steady and healthy life because there is a tendency that you may suffer from the tumours, internal lesions, appendicitis, stoppages and even the trouble in the lower intestinal tract. You may be liable to severe attack of rheumatism and you should endeavour to live a high dry climate as much as possible. Supportive and friendly with your life partner and try to continue this good relation. It is a very satisfying for you that your life partner would be the best friend of you.

These friends will help you to overcome your personal and family problems.

You may gain some good friends at your local area. But the persons who are born on the month of last week of February will not able to make a considerable friendship with you because they always feel jealous regarding you and your prosperous career. The persons, who are born on the month of first week of M ay and third week of August may be able to make a good friendship with you. Another aspect of your disposition is that you are likely to pioneer work in connection with the development of land for agricultural purposes and in the employment of machinery as opposed to older methods. But as a rule you love pleasure and society too much to make the best use of your gift. You have great capability to commit to memory from books and you are hardly very successful in literary world. It sometimes may good or sometimes may bad for you. You are governed by your sensation and by your loving nature but affection has a greater hold on you than passion. Though you are a positive minded person, you hardly be able to achieve the positive things at your life. You may rise to hold very high position but this may come with some heavy cross and responsibilities for you to bear. Your conjugal life may not be a happy one. There is a possibility that you may get involved into more than several times in love affairs. You may find restrictions and difficulties preventing you from carrying out your own individual ambitions. You are likely to have much sorrow and loss caused by relatives, and in all matters of love or affection you are likely to pass through many severe trials. You are advised not to be addicted towards any kind of addict able stuff like cigarettes, alcohol or others because these may cause a great harm for you and even it may lead you towards the end of your life. You love to make a huge amount of money but it may hardly be possible for you. You may able to make a great number of friends but still sometimes you feel lonely at heart. Yet you feel lonely at be inclined to feel that your affection is no reciprocated. You love to sacrifice yourself greatly for others, specially your own relations or those bound to you by ties of affection. You may not be demonstrative in your emotions and you may find great difficulties in expressing your feelings. These may make you more powerful and reserved to a great extent. You have to face some difficulties and unusual experiences in your life. Though you are a home seek person by nature, you have to live far from your family due to your higher studies or even your career. You love to love your lover very passionately and affectionately. You are extremely reserved and cautions in all affairs concerning your career. You are a person, who loves to think deeply. Characteristics of Person born on may 17th :